"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
― Winston Churchill
Hannah Center is not owned or operated by any organization nor do we receive any government funds. We are totally supported by contributions from individuals and organizations who want to reach out to women. Any contribution you make is tax deductible and used exclusively for the operation of the home.
Cash or Check
Please make checks payable to Hannah Center, Inc. Checks can be mailed to either of our offices:
Hannah Center, Inc. Hannah Center, Inc.
212 E. Third Street 1320 Pepper Ave.
Marshfield, WI 54449 Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494
Online Giving
You can now give to Hannah Center online through E-Giving, which is a safe and easy way to support Hannah Center. This system enables you to support Hannah Center by making a one-time contribution or establishing a recurring contribution. Online giving allows you to give with your credit card, as well as set up automatic payments through your credit card or checking account. Click on the donate button above to donate through E-giving.
Bequest Information
A bequest (a gift through will or trust) is a lasting tribute to your values and life. Anyone can leave a lasting legacy. No matter the amount, your gift through your estate will make a tremendous impact on the lives we serve at Hannah Center.
If you are interested in naming Hannah Center in your will or trust, please contact your attorney.